i started to prance around her legs as she went abt to pack. i was so excited! couldn't wait to get out of the house!
finally, we're there! the familiar scent of the sand... n other doggies! n oh no... the water!
i sat on the bench patiently, as Jie slowly smathered herself with sunblock. she got sunburnt during the last trip! kekekeke....
alas! she's done! i could go for my walkie... BUT! BUT! she pulled me to the water instead! argh!
ok... to make her happy, i decided to test water, literally. i took a few steps into the water... Jie was v happy to c me walking into the water voluntarily. but a few steps were all i was willing to risk for, no more!
then came along 2 GR jiejies... they happily went into the water n swam. i wanna play with them too! n i jumped into water without thinking! n shucks! realised too late dat i was in the water! i quickly paddled back to shore. n silly Jie tot dat i'm finally getting the hang of swimming. sorwee Jie, it's not gonna happen anytime soon... but Jie was evil as usual, kept grabbing me n putting me back into the water!
sorweee folks... again, there ain't gonna be any pix, n u noe who's to be blamed for dat.
it's a pity, cos the 2 GR jiejies were v pwetty! esp when they swam together.
there was oso a surfer JRT. she went onto a surfer board n swam with her owner! how cool is dat?
after an hr or so... Jie dried me with dat pwetty towel of hers. cos u noe y? my sotong Jie forgot to pack in MY towel!
i tot we're going home... but Gorgor dropped us off at an unfamiliar place. hmmm... wassup???
Jie said i was going for grooming. grooming? wats dat?
moments later, the shop pple arrived, with 2 cockers! wow! pwetty cockers jiejies with pwetty names: Bree & Chocolate!
then one of their hoomans carried me up n put me into a big tub. ok... this felt familiar, i dun think i would like this thg called grooming...
argh! this hooman, Constance Jiejie, gave me a shower n blow-dried me. not only dat, she cut my nails n was doing something to my hair at my *ahem* privates with this weird-looking thg. (EC: Constance was trimming her hair around her privates) Constance Jie asked me y was i so tensed? er... think if u have someone messing about your privates, u would be tensed too! (EC: Ume, dun be rude!)
but for dat pwetty bandana u gave me, i'll overlook what u did, Constance Jiejie.
check out the v pwetty bandana!
Jie caught me zzz-ing like this... hmmm... maybe i was dreaming of Constance Jiejie trimming my privates...
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