Chance's Mom started an online pressie store, Cafe Press, do check out the store! it's really cool! u can oso click the banner on the left, or here to c more works she had done for other DWB frens.
n next up is Tag # 4! sori Precious, it took this long... u noe whom to blame! *glares at Jiejie*
i had been tagged to list 5 of my favourite books. erm... i havent done much reading (eating & playing r more impt tasks) in my whole life, so i'll list one n let Jiejie talk about hers.
Here's mine! i like to read abt Spot, so named cos of the spots on his back. i like Spot, cos he's oways cheery, n oways in some kind of adventure n having lotsa fun! i wanna be like him!
n here r Jiejie's choices... i oni agree with this one:
Jiejie read this book when she was still a kid. the story of the most famous collie, Lassie. Jiejie said it made her cry... especially when Lassie reunited with her boy at long last. *sob*
erm... Jiejie, u aren't veri gd at counting, r u? those look like godzillions number of books! juz 3, 3 more to make 5!!! geez!!! (EC: can i go with my favourite authors instead of books, smarta**?) mind your language, missy, or watch your bum! tsk tsk tsk...
Jiejie's is a sucker, i mean, has a passion for detective stories n thrillers. Patricia Cornwell is her all-time favourite, with a spectacular series on a chief medical examiner, Kay Scarpetta.
currently, she's into the Harry Bosch series by Michael Connelly, n has her nose buried deep into [The Concrete Blonde].
nope! no Hairy Potty sighted!
Seadra & Zoe, Simba, Marvin, Benny n Chiyo, pls share 5 of your favouritest books with us!