Thursday, November 1, 2007

What Do You Do When The Weather Gets Hot?


Simba and Jazzi said...

That looks like a great way to cool down.

Simba x

Katherine and Pippa said...

Way to go Ume. I always insist master and mistress put the ceiling fan or the other one on for me when it gets too hot. (Although Meany Mistress doesn't like doing it 'cos she says it costs too many pennies. paff!)


Angie Tan said...


That's a good way to cool down. :-P

Anyway, I usually lie close to the bathroom wall as it is the coolest place in the house. Hahahaa...


Amber said...

Teehee, that's a good way to cool down. I can't reach the fan in my house though, there too tall.

Amber :)

Lorenza said...

Hi, Ume
Sure you know how to cool down! Glad you have that fan at you level!
Have a good night

Scruffy said...

Oooo that looks like fun!

The Mighty Scruff

Amber-Mae said...

Hahaha! That's a good thing to do...

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

umekotyan said...

Scene of cool fan. :)
After it goes out of the bath, do you use it?

from loved ume tyan

Frasier said...

Are you cool enough ?
Dont get too close !

Pugsley, Buster, Cricket & Daisy said...

The fan look very refreshing. Hope you got cooled off. Have a great weekend.

Four Pugz

Anonymous said...

You should come and visit me .. it is very cool here. We could go play in the snow!

Lizzy said...

You look like you're enjoying the coolness of the fan. Over here it's not very hot, in fact, it got down to freezing the other night! I'm ready for the snow!


Persephone and Buster said...



Ume, did you notice that your ears have remarkable aerodynamic properties? Positive dihedral--good lift characteristics! You might soon become the SuperHero Flying Dog of the Pacific Rim.

We earthbound Irish street thugs are awfully jealous!


Persephone & Buster

Puggle Preston said...

ohh..that thing is awesome! I wish we had one of those at home too! ( but not now..perhaps when summer comes)
You are one smart lady and know how to take advantages of the modern technology! hee

Boo Casanova said...

ume, i don't like fan. i never a fan of the fan! and i hate being blown to my face too.

wet wet licks


José Tan said...

Haha.. look like we got something in common. I love to do that too.


Girl Girl Hamster said...

Oh that's a really clever way to cool off. :)

~ Girl girl

Benhur Xobile said...

Wind...I like cooling wind!
But I don't like wind that makes things moves. Gotta hide! =P

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

oh my Ume! I thought you were gonna take off and fly over to me in Scotland at the rate your ears were flapping!

Marvin xxxxxx

Lacy said...

woofies Ume, my mama gots a fan on 24/7...she fwreezes me at nites when she got it pointed at me head...sooo den me has to go unders da covers...heehee

b safe,

Clover said...

Haha, Ume, that looks very enjoyable! I love how your ears are flapping there. It's hard for me to think about it being hot out since it is so cold here now!!
Love Clover xo

Jessica said...

Stay cool Ume.....

Love, Seadra and Zoe

Russell said...

very cool


Myeo said...

That is a good idea.. we normally will cool ourselves on marble floor.

Boy n Baby

Deefor said...

I like to find a cool floor. But it's not so hot now in Colorado. Be careful of your ears with that thing.


Stanley said...

Man, Ume!

That fan sounds like a mini hurricane! I love how your ears are blowing. Hope you keep cool, girl!

Goob love,