Wednesday, July 18, 2007


after reading Scruffy's post on the yummylicious cookies his Mummy bot from US Doggie Bakery, Jiejie decided to get me some too! but not b4 i nipped her in her bum bum to remind her, smtimes, hoomans juz need a few gentle reminders! hiak hiak!

ain't the cookies droolsome?

hmmm... it's a little hard...

Just a bit more...
Can't a dog eat her cookie in peace???
Gotta be sure dat no crumb was spared! nope, nothing on the left, now the right...

oh Pippa! i haven't forgotten the time capsule tag, i'm working on it! rite after i finish the cookies!


Chilli the Dog said...

Wow! Ume those cookies looked super yummy delicious! Your jie jie may not be able to bake cookies for you but she sure makes it up to you by buying those cookies! (of course with a little reminder from


Gwyn Valentine said...

Ohhhh.. everydog loves some cookies especially if its healthy cookies :P


umekotyan said...

When the book is read, the mouth is lonely.
Exactly, ume as said.
Wanting eat the cookie and : at time when the name of ume was applied.:)

from loved ume tyan

Simba and Jazzi said...

Those cookies look good and so many of them. Enough to share.

Simba xx

Clover said...

Hi Ume! Thanks for visiting my blog! Thanks for the kitty advice! I will be careful. Hope you enjoyed your cookies!
Love Clover xo

Sparky said...

Yummy! Cookies are the best - especially if you can get your human to dip them in a little ice cream!

Jessica said...

Mom....Can we get some cookies like Ume's?

Your pictures are killing us.

Love, Seadra and Zoe

PreciOus said...

Mmmmm, yummylicious cookies. I think you have a lot to last for quite some time.


Katherine and Pippa said...

no worries.

it's important to eat your tasties..


Tadpole said...

Oh Ume, you always have such yummy-looking food!!! You make my mouth water!

Lorenza said...

Hi, Ume.
I know treats are great but your cookies look delicious!! And you got plenty!! Yummy! Yummy!
Have a nice day

Toby said...

Yum Yum!! Those cookies look good. Wanna share?


Toto said...

I think you are very lucky to get those yummy looking cookies. Wags and Licks, Toto

Lizzy said...

Oooooh, those looks good! Can I have some?


Pugsley, Buster, Cricket & Daisy said...

Yummy yummy, the treats look delicious. We loves your pictures.

Your pals, Pugsley, Buster and Cricket

Persephone and Buster said...


We'll share those cookies with ya--like, they look sorta too nutritious for us Irish street thugs accustomed to a diet of chicken necks and chipmunks, but hey--they DO look good!


Persephone and Buster

Huskee and Hershey said...

Hi Ume,
*slurp*.. the cookies look yum yum...

Stanley said...

I love to see a dog enjoying her cookies. You have such an expressive face when you eat.

The top of your head in that first photo looks like a wild dog-eating plant from the jungle - scawie! (Very cool hairdo).

Your goober bud,

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Oh those cookies must be really really yummy that there's no crumbs left over

~ girl girl

Amber-Mae said...

Mmmmmm, those cookies look delicious! I like hard cookies but I'm not sure about the pear cookies... I don't really like fruity stuff. You looked like you enjoyed it!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Angie Tan said...

Man!! It sure looks yummy.

Too bad there isn't a lot of dedicated doggy bakeries down here in Kay-AL. Anyway, my favs are crackers with peanut-butter. *slurp*!

Hv a rockin' weekend!!!

- Snoopygirl (

Ruby Bleu said...

Those cookies looked mighty yummy...did you like them?

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Balboa said...

Wow those look yummy.

After I'm done finding crumbs, I also lick the floor to make sure I didn't miss anything.

Frenchie SNorts

Suki & Joey said...

Ooohh...yummy cookies. I wish I could have gotten my paws on some of those! Mom's been slacking with the treats, lately ;)

Puggy kisses

Charlie said...

Those cookes are defnitely droolsome!
- Charlie

Vicky said...

Stop teasing me Ume, (drool)I'm on a special diet at the moment, (drool) and I can't have any treats (drool)

Frasier said...

They look yummy!!
Eat one for me !

chiyo said...

which flavor do you like better? :)


Duke said...

The first time I come to your blog and your chowing down on cookies! Yummy! I think I'll be back soon! hehehehe

Love ya lots,

Kien said...

Hi Ume.. get to know u from Precious blog.. nice blog u have here.. and yummy yummy cookies too...

Do drop by my blog sometimes..

Golden Rossi

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

mmmmm! coookies, they look amazing Ume!

Luckie Girl said...

Hey Ume,
Those cookies look very cute. How much does one tub cost? My Mom has never even stepped into that shop before. :P

coco said...

drool, drool, drool!!! cookies are the bestest!

enviously, coco

Christian Luke said...

Hi Ume,
Ty 4 visitng mi blog..ur sooo cute.Wow didnt know u luv durian..I will ask mom to buy me some...$2 one is ok?
Belle Lee

ToFFee said...

hmmm.... so I have to nip their bumbums and cookies are coming???

that's sooo great! will have to do that..

sooo yummmy!


Amber said...

Hello Ume!! the cookies looks really good. You're making me hungry!!! DRROOOOOOOOOL

Unknown said...


I am jealous... those look tastier than bully sticks! You wanna trade?

Love your blog,
